All Posts By NY for Seniors

Featured NewsSpring 2016 NY for Seniors Magazine

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams Discusses Senior Initiatives

Q: Brooklyn has the largest senior population in New York City. What initiatives does your office have in order to meet the needs of our...

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Healthy LivingManhattan

How NYC is Becoming a Global Leader for Senior Living

A glimpse into the lives of New York City’s seniors: How the city is working to hear their voices and meet their needs. Filmed by...

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Healthy LivingSpring 2016 NY for Seniors Magazine

10 Best Fruits for the Spring Season

While most fruits and vegetables are available year-round, it isn’t until spring that all of our favorite fruits start tasting fresh...

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Caregiver's Corner

Governor Cuomo Signs Legislation to Support Family Caregivers

Governor Cuomo announced the signing of the Caregiver Advise, Record and Enable Act, which will require that hospitals allow patients to...

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Managed Care

What is Managed Care?

Managed Care is a term that is used to describe a health insurance plan or health care system that coordinates the provision, quality and...

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Featured News

March is Multiple Sclerosis Month: Here’s What You Need to Know

Multiple Sclerosis affects over 2.3 million people throughout the world. So, in honor of March being Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, we...

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BronxBrooklynHealthy LivingManhattanQueens

3 Movement Exercises You Can Do in Your Apartment or Home

For Balance This exercise is extremely simple and only requires a sturdy chair. Begin by standing with the chair either in front or behind...

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Featured NewsHealthy LivingIn Home Care

Managed Long Term Care: What is it and Do I Qualify?

Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) is a system that streamlines the delivery of long term services to people who are chronically ill or disabled...

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